Monday, December 12, 2011

NASA Agree SpaceX Dragon can Make First Private Flight to Space Station

A "milestone" in spaceflight is expected Feb. 7, when Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) will launch its second Commercial Orbital Transportation Services demonstration flight, with NASA agreeing to fly SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft to the International Space Station.

This launch will make SpaceX the first private company ever to launch an unmanned cargo flight to the ISS. The vehicle will dock with the station, carrying a payload of supplies.

"SpaceX has made incredible progress over the last several months preparing Dragon for its mission to the space station," said William Gerstenmaier, NASA's associate administrator for the Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate.

According to Gerstenmaier, while there is still critical work to be done before launch, the teams are ready to complete it and are prepared for unexpected challenges.

"As with all launches, we will adjust the launch date as needed to gain sufficient understanding of test and analysis results to ensure safety and mission success," he said.

SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft will conduct a series of check-out procedures during the flight that will test and prove its systems in advance of the rendezvous with the station, including the operation of its sensors and flight systems necessary for a safe rendezvous, NASA said.

"SpaceX is on the forefront of demonstrating how a partnership between the government and private industry can lead to new capabilities and provide a large return on investment," said Alan Lindenmoyer, program manager for COTS at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston.

NASA's COTS program aims to stimulate efforts within the private sector to develop and demonstrate safe, reliable and cost-effective space transportation. According to NASA, this program will spur the innovation and development of new spacecraft and launch vehicles from commercial industry, creating a new system of delivering cargo to low-Earth orbit and the International Space Station.

SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell commended NASA's support on the project.

"SpaceX is excited to be the first commercial company in history to berth with the International Space Station. This mission will mark a historic milestone in the future of spaceflight."

NASA has announced the launch target for SpaceX's spacecraft pending completion of final safety reviews, testing and verification.

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