Every year in the Faroe Islands, a territory of Denmark, hundreds of pilot whales and other species including bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic white-sided dolphins and northern bottlenose whales, are hunted for their meat.
The techniques used are intensely stressful and cruel. Entire family groups are rounded up out at sea by small motor boats and driven to the shore. Typically, once they are stranded in shallow water, blunt-ended metal hooks are inserted into their blowholes and used to drag the whales up the beach, where they are killed with a knife cut to their major blood vessels.
Many of you visiting this site will have seen the graphic images of whales being slaughtered, and are deeply concerned. You might well have received an email from a friend or colleague, asking you to forward a petition. Please be careful in how you deal with such e-mail petitions.
At least one that has been circulating contains no contact information, nor a way to make sure that your signature is being forwarded to anyone who could have an impact. In particular, if the email you received contains a web address imprinted on the photos, please consider carefully whether to visit the site. There have been concerns raised about potential malicious software and/or high risk off-site links from that site.
WDCS International - Whaling Feature
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