Thursday, September 6, 2012

Cheetah Robot runs at 28.3 mph - YouTube

The cheetah bot is now able to run at 28.3 mph (45.5 kph), which is 0.5 mph faster than Usain Bolt's fastest 20 meter split, noted Boston Dyanmics, the company developing the robot in conjunction with the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

Getting the mechanical cheetah up to this speed required researchers to improve the computer instructions that control its legs and back, whose flexible design are key to its speed, IEEE Spectrum reported.

A few important limitations keep this version of the Cheetah stuck in lab, for now. It uses an outside power source that it does not carry.

It relies on a tether to keep it upright. Early next year, however, Boston Dynamics plans to perform outdoor tests of an untethered version, called WildCat.

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