Monday, February 3, 2014

ESA ERS-2 satellite: Arctic lakes show climate on thin ice

Floating ice (light blue) and grounded ice (dark blue) in lakes of Alaska’s North Slope near Barrow, as seen by ESA’s ERS-2 satellite in 2011. 

Credit: Planetary Visions / University of Waterloo, Canada / ESA

Ice in northern Alaska's lakes during winter months is on the decline.

Twenty years of satellite radar imagery show how changes in our climate are affecting high-latitude environments.

Changes in air temperature and winter precipitation over the last five decades have affected the timing, duration and thickness of the ice cover on lakes in the Arctic.

In this region, warmer climate conditions result in thinner ice cover on shallow lakes and, consequently, a smaller fraction of lakes freezing all the way through during winter months.

The Alaskan Arctic coastal plain is covered in a great swathe of shallow lakes 


These changes in ice cover affect the local and regional climate, the dynamics of the underlying permafrost and the availability of water for residential and industrial use throughout the winter.

They also alter the physical, thermal and chemical properties of the water, affecting the ecology dependent on them.

But the magnitude of these changes had not yet been comprehensively documented until now.

In a recent study of Alaska's North Slope, published in The Cryosphere, the ice regimes of shallow lakes were documented using radar images from ESA's ERS-1 and -2 satellites.

The study reveals a 22% decrease of 'grounded ice' – or ice frozen through to the lakebed – from 1991 to 2011. This is equivalent to an overall thinning of ice by 21–38 cm.

Cristina Surdu
"Prior to starting our analysis, we were expecting to find a decline in ice thickness and grounded ice based on our examination of temperature and precipitation records of the past five decades from the Barrow meteorological station," said Cristina Surdu, lead author of the study.

"At the end of the analysis, when looking at trend analysis results, we were stunned to observe such a dramatic ice decline during a period of only 20 years."

The greatest change was observed during late winter (April–May) over the 20-year period, which gradually decreased from 1991 to 2005.

The ice experienced a more abrupt decline during the final six years of the analysis, reaching its lowest in 2011.

ERS-2 was launched in 1995, four years after ERS-1, the first European Remote Sensing satellite. 

At the time, these two satellites were the most sophisticated European Earth observation spacecraft ever developed, delivering new information to study Earth's land, oceans, atmosphere and polar ice, as well as being called upon to monitor natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods. 

Credit: EADS Astrium

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