Thursday, September 6, 2012

NASA HiRise Images: MSL - Mars Rover Curiosity

The latest HiRISE color image of MSL shows new details.

Subimage 1 shows the rover and its tracks after a few short drives.

Tracking the tracks over time will provide information on how the surface changes over time as dust is deposited and eroded.

Subimage 2 shows the parachute and backshell, now in colour. The outer band of the parachute has a reddish color.

Subimage 3 shows the descent stage crash site, now in color, and several distant spots (blue in enhanced colour) downrange that are probably the result of distant secondary impacts that disturbed the surface dust. (See also this observation for more detail about the sky crane impact.)

For other HiRISE images of Curiosity, click here.

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